Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Avery Kate

Having purchased my baby this Spring, my Nikon D5000, I've been practicing my photography and photo editing skills on many patient subjects. My most recent was Little Miss Avery Kate, born Friday, September 3rd to my friends Tye and Miranda. I can't wait to do another session with her and her parents once she gets settled in. Maybe someday this will turn into more than just a hobby.

For more pictures of Little Miss Avery: http://picasaweb.google.com/113039461180895088683/AveryKateGibson02?authkey=Gv1sRgCLyF64SJ-rWuMQ#

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Hot, Hot, Hot!

While Kentucky experienced an unusual cold spell, Woody and I vacationed in Florida during the first week of October. Not only were we able to take part in the wedding of my childhood friend Ashley, but we squeezed in time with Woody's family and spent some time in Siesta Key celebrating our two year wedding anniversary. Reports from Kentucky were temperatures in the 40s all while we couldn't escape the unseasonable heat and humidity of central Florida; upwards of 90 degrees most days. Our trip was fabulous and we quickly returned to the real world. I am so blessed to be married to my best friend, my hero, and my soul mate. I love everything about our life together and our precious mutt, Max. Happy Anniversary to us!
Sunset on Siesta Key

Cousin Nikki and our bargain find: Chanel Sunglasses!

Friday, October 16, 2009

The Bureaucrat

No post in four months but who's counting? Since my last post, I've accepted a new position in the Office of the Governor with the Kentucky Office of Homeland Security. Having been there for over four months, it is now official and safe to say that I love my new job! Not only do I love my job responsibilities as a Grant Manager, but I really enjoy the people I work with and being in the midst of the whole Frankfort scene.

Looking back, I see now how the Lord has closed doors for the right reasons and opened new ones. I often ask myself how I got here? How did a high school girl, so "engrossed" in Anatomy and Biology classes, with her heart set on Med School and a passion for surgery, end up in government? The Man Upstairs I tell ya, the Big Guy in the sky! He knew the path that was right for me and the path in which I could make the most difference. I realize now that I wasn't meant to be a surgeon; I still love blood and guts by the way..., I was meant to serve local governments. I was meant to have a family, quite possibly, and not to be on call 24/7 without a family or social life.

In my previous job serving 17 counties and 33 cities and their elected officials, and in my current position serving the entire Commonwealth, I am blessed with the opportunity to help local governments, help thier constituents. "Help me, help you!" is my career motto. More importantly, I am able to serve first responders in my new job, something that is most rewarding to me.

More to come I promise!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Best Good Friends

I bet you didn't know that these are the real Ya-Ya Sisters? Friends since kindergarten through thick and thin. We've been through it all together. Some of us friends even before kindergarten. How is it that we've remained "besties" throughout our lives? I have no idea! Everyone has those that they feel close to regardless of time lapsed between visits or miles between them. I have about 10 of those friends. In June, we all found time in our busy schedules to celebrate Tashena, a.k.a. "T". She is expecting a mystery baby (the sex will be a surprise) in August and I was thrilled to be able to help T welcome "Mystery Baby" with her closest family and friends. Although we are miles apart, from Lexington, KY to New York, NY, we remain "besties". Within our sisterhood there is a Doctor, not one but two Pharmacists, a High School Teacher, a Graphic Designer, the Government Extraordinaire (that's me), and T; the triple major, world traveler, and future lawyer, just to name a few. We are talented, we are smart, perhaps a little competitive growing up, we are beautiful, we are there for each other, and we will grow old together. Here's to you T, Jason, and Mystery Baby!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Curb Appeal

What are the two most important concepts to curb appeal? 1. A cute front door, either a bold vibrant color or adorned with a simple yet sophisticated wreath. 2. LANDSCAPING!

After living in our house for a year and a half, Woody and I finally scraped some change and came up with a fantastic design.


Monday, April 6, 2009

Don't Be A Paleface

It's official. The first sunburn of 2009 has arrived. It's barely April here in the Bluegrass and I have experienced my first sunburn of the season. Why do I say this as if I am expecting more to come? Expecting is one thing, however, knowing, despite my efforts to apply 100 + SPF sunblock, that I will receive yet another tortuous sunburn is another.
Two days ago, Woody and I took full advantage of a beautiful sunny Saturday afternoon and finally landscaped our pitiful, sorry excuse, for a front yard. Not a cloud in the sky, nor a drop of sunblock lathered on my freckled, winter-white skin, we diligently plotted, fabric-lined, edged, and planted. In shorts and a tank top I cheerfully glavanted across our front yard in nearly 70 degree weather for several hours, ignoring the fact that in several hours, I would be on "fire" from my stupidity.
It is inevitable. Until a true 100% SPF is released, I will continue to sunburn. I will also notice every new freckle that graces my skin with its presence. I have accepted it. I will never have a beautiful bronze suntan (unless it is sprayed on of course) and I will continue to be surrounded by those who do tan and tan well. I'm jealous, what can I say? Two days ago we were soaking in the beautiful Kentucky springtime weather. Today, I am bathed in a pleasant reminder of a weekend full of Vitaman E, as a cold 30 degree rainy day sends chills over my bright red splotchy-ness.
"Before" and "After" pictures coming soon...
(of the yard, not the sunburn, get your mind out of the gutter!)

Thursday, March 12, 2009


One of many commercials that repeats itself in my head throughout the day.