Thursday, July 31, 2008

The Official Groundbreaking

Well, here goes. Lately, and by lately I mean yesterday, I've been inspired to archive my life with Woody. Maybe someday our blog will include stories of pregnancy(s) and our children but for now, it is just the two of us. Not that Woody and I are expecting to expect soon, or within the next five years... It was my friends that have children and blog their lives that inspired me. What a wonderful way to share with those closest to them and those that are physically separated. What a wonderful way to share your life with those without facebook i.e. our parents, grandparents, and some of my best friends who are too stubborn and think facebook is, well, childish and immature.

The title of our blog was inspired by an abundance of knick knack souvenirs I come across in places like Marshall's, Home Goods, and various woodsy gift shops as found in Pigeon Forge (I hate that place) and throughout Appalachia. What can I say, I love the woods so the name seemed appropriate. Welcome to the Woods!

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